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Our office has been using CEREC same day crown technology since 2012 and we love it!  Being able to provide long lasting, tooth colored, immediate placement esthetic crowns has been a blessing to us and to our patients!

CEREC same day crowns offer many advantages.  The main advantage is that most crowns can be made in the same day—no temporary crown that can become sensitive or loose and no second appointment.  No second appointment saves you time and means you only have to be numb once!

The other advantage our patients really like is that this technology utilizes a digital impression scan versus a goopy material placed in a tray and left for several minutes to set. 

Advantages we, your dental team, like about CEREC crowns include being able to do partial crowns instead of having to fully cover a tooth when there is good tooth structure to save, the gum tissue responds very well to these materials (our hygienist loves this!), and if there is an issue with the fit or color of the crown, we know right away and can redo it immediately instead of having to send the crown back to a lab and wait 3 more weeks.

CEREC technology is great for partial crowns (onlays) when a large filling is failing or a piece of the tooth has broken, but the rest of the tooth is intact and for full crowns when a larger part of the tooth is broken, badly decayed, has many cracks, is sensitive when biting down due to cracks or has had a root canal and needs protection from breaking.  We can also use this technology for cosmetic veneers, some bridges and implant crowns.

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Rossville Family Dentistry 54 West Main St.
Rossville, IN 46065

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